Friday 22 March 2013

Acid Drop's guide to doing punk rock good!

Every self respecting punk rocker in Leeds know who these guys are, but if you need an introduction there is really no otherway than going and checking these crazy guys out when they play live! Simply hardcore as fuck punk rock!

This is just a few things that people have said about them...
“Their formula is impossible to write off as just another group of lads with an unrealistic dream. In fact, it’s their willingness to accept the reality of their situation which makes them so ready to tackle it, change it, and come out on top. They’ve got the tunes, the plan and the ambition they need”. - ARK MAGAZINE 

“It has to be said, that Acid Drop are one of, if not THE best live punk rock band in the north of England” – SHATTERED GLASS MEDIA. 

"To say they’ve got chemistry on stage is an understatement. It’s more like the entire Periodic Table thrown into a blender”. – PUSH TO FIRE. 

“These are BRILLIANTLY crafted songs which frequently transcend their folk-punk roots. There is a tremendous versatility to this band which has not been apparent (to me at least) elsewhere”. – SHEFFIELD MUSIC SCENE. 

“ACiD DROP could make productive strides and within a year or two could be running alongside the best. We are due an underdog band to win a big one and who is to say it won't be these guys. You'd be a fool to place your hard earned brass elsewhere”. – FUNGALPUNK. 

“Album of the year 2010”. – PUNK AND DISORDERLY, PHOENIX FM. 

Seeing as this is a new blog about all things underground and anti-estiablishment in the Leeds (uk) scene I thought what better way to start than have a guide on how to make excellent punk rock using these guys as the template!

The guide:

1. Be original. 
These dudes didn't get to be the figure heads for transgressive music in Leeds today by simply copying the same old formula applied to punking out. So take a leaf out of these guys book, hell take the whole book, and BE ORIGINAL.

2. Rock out!
Remember your a punk! You're job is to rock the fuck out man! See picture below for to see how its done!!!
Get what I'm trying to say now^^^^^

3. DIY (do it yourself).
These guys are probably a little bit too edgey for your typical record label and the label would most definitely try and mess with their sound so what is a punk rocker to do I hear you ask? Well a punk rocker is to 'DO HIMSELF'!  Who do you think made this awesome artwork? (see below)

 (this album got four stars in Kerrang what the fuck does that tell you)

No not some fancy artist that cost loads of money, the band, or a friend of the band, I'm not too sure to be honest but I'm sure it wasn't an artist.

4. DIFY (do it for yourselves).
People nowadays (students), are so cynical about everything that they can't see shit for what it really is. A bunch of guys playing the music they like and not giving a fuck along the way. Too much emphasis is on being good, or artistic or musical or cool. Who cares about that shit, do what you like doing and do it for yourself always.